Thursday, May 8, 2014

In other words

I run a restaurant, a restaurant with my family. My hands have heat blisters on them often from working the line. I put in 12-14 hour days, 7 (sometimes thankfully 6) days a week. I deal with customers, I deal with employees. I have a million dollars on the line, and plenty more after to worry about everything I own. I have three hungry, slobbery, attention needing dogs at home...not to mention a house to take care of. The list goes on

Let's just say...pressure...stress? No biggie. I can put a lot on my plate, and [possibly] not loose my mind. To say whether it's been lost or not already is the question. Anyways, the hardest and most terrifying thing I will ever have to do is fall in love. It's the easiest and hardest thing, all at once, a million miles an hour.

Time to catch your breath? Forget it. A feeling that you may not crash and burn? Nope, no mercy. The feeling of your stomach not being filled with bugs? Don't even think about it. The notion your feet are on the ground? Haha, cute. But Happiness? You bet. An overwhelming feeling of complete content? Yep. Smiling all the time, for no reason other than reading a funny text two days ago? Okay yeah...a lot of that.

It's hard for us as humans to admit our real feelings. I've thought about this a lot, being a psy major, why the biggest human flaw is not being honest, with yourself or anyone else. Fear of being recognized as a real person, with feelings. NO WAY! Can't be one of those!

We would rather do things that make us feel terrible than to do something that makes us happy. Take someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol for a second. They drink or whatever because they are sad, and whether they admit it or not their addiction makes it worse, not better. But in order to get over addiction, they need to do things that make them feel good about life. Taking a nice hike, finding passions, finding love. Do they want to do those things? Of course not. Falling in love scares everyone, even the best. Or it's possible it's just the falling out of love that scares everyone, but inevitably that causes falling in love to be scary as well. Every person you meet you will either know forever, or you will part ways...there is no other option.

This is turning into a rant. Me for one? I'll pick being happy, I will pick being happy over being hurt in the past, and I will pick you...every time.

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